As of October 1, 2014, several news driving laws went into effect in Maryland. It’s important to know what the new laws require as a driver in Maryland to drive safely and prevent being pulled over for a moving violation which can result in points and /or penalties that affect your driving record and your car insurance rates.
Here are the major changes that all drivers should be aware of to keep our roads safe for everyone:
Jake’s Law: this law, named after 5 year old Jake Owen who was killed in a crash caused by a driver texting on a cell phone. Now, anyone over 18 who causes a crash while using a cell phone that results in the serious injury or death of another person will face increased penalties: (MVA) must assess 12 points against the driver’s license. A violator is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to imprisonment for up to one year and/or a maximum fine of $5,000.
Extended Move over law: in addition to being required to move over a lane or drop speed when passing a police traffic stop, drivers must do the same for tow trucks on the side of the road.
Impaired driving: new laws increase penalties for drivers convicted of a third DUI or DWI offense (for either drugs or alcohol) from a maximum of one year imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $500, to a maximum of three years imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $3,000.
A good driving record can save you money on your car insurance premium: contact a Roadway agent to discuss your personal policy and see if you qualify for a reduction based on your current driving record.
If your driving record is poor and you have been dropped by your current carrier, we are the largest provider of MAIF insurance in the metro area and we can help! Call for a FREE quote and we can assist you with obtaining the coverage you need to get back on the road today!