When buying a used vehicle, there are many things that you can do to prevent yourself from purchasing a lemon. If you do the research, know all the tricks, and play the game properly, you will almost always come out on top.
Below are the 6 best tips:
– Know the Vehicle. Look around for a while and decide what make, model and year you want.
– Do your research. Do research on line to find all the common problems of the year, make and model you’re interested in.
– Carfax. Carfax reports are a great idea because they’ll help assure you don’t end up with another person’s problem.
– Viewing the vehicle. Be sure the car has a clean title, not a salvaged one.
– Test Drive. The test drive will tell you the most about the car.
– Negotiate the price. Once you find the car you can no longer live without, its time to talk dollars and cents and start negotiating.
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