Driving without auto insurance is illegal is all states. Drivers who drive without insurance are subject to paying penalties, fines, or other forms of legal repercussions. Finding the proper insurance can keep your covered in case of an accident. Roadway Insurance works with drivers of all types to find the appropriate insurance for their needs.
If you are driving uninsured due to a bad driving history, contact Roadway Insurance. We offer a full range of car insurance options for drivers with various types of driving records. We may determine if your quality for MAIF. To learn more about your auto insurance options, call 301.476.1183 or request a quote online.
What Happens If I Drive Without Insurance?
- If you drive without the proper type of insurance, you are putting yourself at risk of getting pulled over. Driving uninsured may lead to fines and penalties on your driver’s license. Obtaining the proper type of coverage can help keep you and other drivers covered in the event of an accident.
- Driving without insurance can be costly in the long run. Without insurance, you may have to pay all the fees and cost out of pocket. Auto insurance may help cover part of the cost if your vehicle is damaged in an accident.
- Those who drive without the appropriate auto insurance may get their license suspended until they can prove they have obtained the necessary insurance. Reinstating your license may be an expensive, time-consuming process.
- Drivers who are driving without auto insurance may have their car impounded or towed if pulled over. Dealing with towed or impounded car can be a strenuous process. In most cases, drivers only have a certain amount of time to retrieve their car before it is impounded. Obtaining the appropriate insurance may help you avoid costly fees and other complications in the future.