Getting a car insurance plan can be intimidating for many people. How much coverage is necessary for you to have? Do you need a payment plan? How much is car insurance anyway? At Roadway Insurance, we aim to make getting MAIF insurance easy.
Know Your Minimum
Just like every other state, Maryland has a minimum insurance requirement for every driver. Knowing what this is is a good start for auto insurance. You know you’ll have to pay for at least this much coverage. Maryland car insurance laws require you to have $30,000 per person for bodily injury, $60,000 for bodily injury for two or more people, and $15,000 for property damage.
Do You Need More Coverage?
The next step is deciding if that amount of coverage is enough for your car and driving risk. For instance, adding collision coverage means that your insurance will pay for repairs and other costs if you’re at-fault in an accident. If the car is completely totaled, you’ll get the cash value of your vehicle, minus the deductible.
Comprehensive insurance is another addition. This protects you from incidents that aren’t caused by an accident. This includes vandalism, theft, a natural disaster, or fire. Depending on where you live, this is often a good addition for many people. If you don’t have a garage and have to park your car outside by the street, there’s definitely a higher chance of these kinds of issues.
If you’re looking to add both collision and comprehensive insurance, that’s known as full coverage. This is the most expensive option, but if you believe you’re living in a high-risk area or are on the go driving constantly, it may be your best option.
Look Into Payment Plans
We know the cost of car insurance can be daunting. That’s why we offer multiple payment plans to help out our customers. No one should have to worry about being able to pay for insurance. Roadway Insurance is known for meeting the highest customer service standards and we want to keep it that way.
The payment plan depends on the annual premium amount and depends on you putting down 20-25% of the premium. Premiums less than $3,000 require a 25% down payment. You can then choose six or three monthly installments for your payment to be divided into.
If your premium is more than $3,000, we require a 20% down payment. This can then be broken up into four or eight monthly installments. Depending on the payment plan, you’ll have different time intervals that the installments will be due.
Getting MAIF Insurance
The Roadway team is here to help you every step of the way. Call us or get a free quote online.