Share the Road This Summer!

Share the road with bikes for safe driving discountsThe sunny, summer weather brings an increase in motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic on local roads. This can also present an increased risk for accidents due to driver error, bad weather or limited visibility on windy, rural roads.

Know and understand the Maryland Share the Road bicycle safety laws to avoid unnecessary accidents and injuries. The majority of accidents involving bicycles and pedestrians (often runners along the road) occur during the summer months.

Roadway Insurance reminds drivers that safe driving is important for many reasons, including saving money on your car insurance premiums. Take your time when driving on local roads and in neighborhoods where additional bike and pedestrian traffic is more likely. Following posted speed limits can help to keep everyone safe and allow enough time to stop should someone enter the road suddenly from behind a parked car or a hidden driveway.

Before you leave your own driveway this summer, be sure you have the car insurance coverage you need to drive legally in the state of Maryland. Roadway Insurance is home to a highly experienced team of agents who have specialized in auto insurance and can help you to navigate this often confusing landscape, ensuring you establish a policy that will suit your personal needs and meet the Maryland State Minimum requirements.

Roadway Auto Insurance
